Urgent rebuilding in rural villages


Most African farmers are disadvantaged at every stage in the process of producing and selling crops. Large areas of soil are nutrient deficient. Rains are erratic. Technology is scarce. Credit is limited. Markets are often out of reach or inefficient. But in spite of these problems, Sausa knows that Africa can be the world's next breadbasket.

Approximately 80% of Africa's farms are small plots run by rural farmers, and if they are equipped with knowledge of best agricultural practices and with basic inputs such as improved seeds, they are able to maximize yields of diverse crops to feed themselves, their families and their communities. Suasa targets rural populations with interventions to improve yields, incomes and nutrition practices to bolster the continent's ability to feed itself, and its ability to eventually help feed the rest of the world.

Challenge: Africa's growth needs to include underserved communities.

There is no denying that Africa's economies are on the rise. However, hundreds of millions of Africans are still locked in the cycle of poverty. With almost every circumstance stacked against them and financial services out of reach, subsistence lifestyles are often all even the most determined Africans can achieve. This is especially true for women and Africa's ever-growing youth population.

Self Selection: Sausa knows that not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur, so we work with co-operatives that are already in business. This means that project participants are the community members who have already shown their desire to be involved and benefit from additional training. Targeting self-selected entrepreneurs maximizes Sausa's project impact and further empowers these emerging community leaders. 

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